Sunday, February 03, 2008

An addition

I heard from one of my friend that Mahindra is also planning to build a Small car a la Tata. If you had also read the day after the Nano's news of the Auto expo you would have found that Bajaj is also ready with a Small car and about to put it into production. So Ladies and Gentlemen there you have it Two wheelers as a frugal means of transport is on the verge of extinction that is good in a way, there will be medium and large capacity bikes, Oh oh I forgot they are already there. Yamaha. Hoo hoo.

I guess what is remaining is the Cities to be planned at Godspeed to accommodate these cars !!


Mirage said...

Today's ET said that Bengali Car Manufacturers Tara r tying up wid some Chinese car guys to make the cheapest car- at Rs. 99,999. Wonder whats it gna be like...

Yuppie said...

@mirage: These Chinese are very good at reverse engineering (i think thats the politically correct term). So it would probably look so much like the Nano :D

-Poison- said...

yea i too heard about the tara tiny and other teeny totters. o boy. the roads are not gona keep pace with the imminent vehicle explosion.

Yuppie said...

@poison:thats definitely true but tats de part of India... de congested roads and de chaos.. once u are driving for too long it grows into you and u start enjoyin it.. I for feel bored drivin in de US str8 roads lots of discipline borin!!!